About Our School
Welcome to South Middle School, home of the Spartans. Established in 1932 as a junior high, South Middle School was originally located in the heart of the city. In 1995, after extensive remodeling, it transitioned to a middle school serving grades 7-8. Following the flood of 1997, South Middle School was rebuilt in 1999 at the southern edge of Grand Forks and expanded to include grades 6-8.
South Middle School is renowned for its rich tradition and strong Spartan pride... Once a South Spartan, Always a South Spartan. Respectful behavior is emphasized through our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports framework, where it is taught, modeled, and reinforced. Our school is certified in Marzano High-Reliability Schools Level 1 - Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture, and Level 2 - Effective Teaching in Every Classroom.
Designed to support the middle school concept both philosophically and structurally, South Middle School operates on a “school within a school” model. The building's design reflects this, with three academic houses located on the east side. Each grade or house is divided into two teams, named after the United States space program: Auroras 6, Rockets 6, Challenger 7, Discovery 7, Explorer 8, and Voyageur 8. The Allied Arts team is called Super Nova. Music and physical education classes are situated on the west side of the building. Shared areas, such as the media center, cafetorium (cafeteria and auditorium), and allied arts suite, are centrally located.
The school day at South Middle School begins at 8:40 AM and ends at 3:30 PM. Orchestra classes are held during the “zero” period from 7:50-8:30 AM. Teachers meet daily with an advisory group of 10-13 students, called Prime Time, for the first 20 minutes of each day, following a structured daily schedule.
If you are considering a move to Grand Forks, please explore our website for comprehensive information about our school. Should you have any additional questions, feel free to call the main office at (701) 746-2345, and we will gladly assist you.
Spartan Pride!
Travis Neil, Principal SMS