South Spartan Club
The South Spartan Club affords opportunities for students to work at football, volleyball, and basketball contests at South Middle School. Sign up will take place prior to each block sport activity. Students will be given a schedule to look over and decide contests they can work at for that particular activity. This schedule needs to be turned in before the contests start so the student can be placed on the schedule.
Once the games begin, students will stay after school in the media center prior to the games. Students are encouraged to bring a snack before the games begin to eat. Contests usually start around 4:45 pm and end around 7:00 pm. Students will be paid for each game they work at the end of the block season. Students are paid with gift cards to either: Wal Mart, Target, or Scheels.
An adult supervisor will be at the games to assist the students. Please contact Mr. West, Associate Principal, if you are interested in working at South Spartan Athletic contests! Game schedules may be found on the South Athletic calendar under athletics.